PollCart is a startup that uses a Shopify plug-in on a check-out page that interfaces with a custom API.
It allows buyers to poll their friends and family before making a purchase. 

Once initiated, the user can access a
mobile application that gives real time feedback on the results of the poll, along with user suggestions, and feedback on the item being purchased.


Partnering with a web development team, I created the design, layout, and interface for filtering, quick view, and selection of products for the WV Gear store.

Planning in advance for a responsive site, one that responds to the screen that it’s being veiwed on and changes format accordingly, was key to the success of this site.  


The DLG (Daily Local Global) Pitch Deck is an interactive presentation that I created to help sales people explain the DreamTrips/Restaurant partnership. It was ket for the sales person to be able to delivery the presentation in a dynamic way. Therefore, I built the interactions in a way that allowed for non-linear storytelling. This way, the sales person could adapt to clients responses to the presentation.